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Will P2E ERC-6551 Token Replace Ethereum Metaverse With NFT Owned Wallet?

ERC-6551 Token

ERC-6551 is an Ethereum token standard that extends the functionality of ERC-20 tokens. It introduces additional features and capabilities, making it more versatile for different use cases. ERC-6551 tokens may represent unique assets, possess specific behaviors, or have specific properties tailored to different applications.

The ERC-721 standard enabled an explosion of non-fungible token applications. Some notable use cases include breedable cats, creative artwork, and liquidity positions. Passive tokens are increasingly becoming a form of on-chain identity. This follows quite naturally from the ERC-721 specification – each non-fungible token has a globally unique identifier, and by extension, a unique identity.

What is ERC-6551 Token?

ERC-6551 Token

The ERC-6551 token is a token standard based on the Ethereum blockchain. It was developed to address a specific need within the Ethereum Metaverse ecosystem, namely allowing Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to own wallets. This token standard enables individual NFTs to hold Ethereum (ETH) and other ERC-20, 721, and 1155 tokens directly in their wallets. In essence, it gives NFTs the ability to hold and interact with cryptocurrencies and tokens, opening up new possibilities for smoother transactions and improving financial activity within the metaverse. The ERC-6551 token represents a significant advancement in the realm of NFTs, empowering owners with greater control over their assets and promoting a civilized economic system within the Ethereum Metaverses.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.

Development of the ERC-6551 Token

ERC-6551 Token

ERC-6551 token development has gained significant traction since May 8, with the number of accounts using this token standard steadily increasing. According to data from Dune’s SEALaunch, there were about 1,500 ERC-6551 token accounts ten hours ago, and that number has now increased to 1,741. Most of these accounts have been added in the last couple of days, indicating the rapid adoption of this new token standard.

The popularity of the ERC-6551 token can be attributed to its promising benefits, especially in the context of blockchain games and the metaverse. This token standard offers decisive advantages that address the specific needs of these applications, and drive widespread adoption within the ecosystem.

The transaction activity associated with the ERC-6551 token has seen significant growth. Although there was a slight dip in mid-June, there has been a phenomenal increase in transaction volume recently. In fact, the transaction reached its second-highest level on record just yesterday, which illustrates the growing interest and engagement around this token standard. The increase in transaction activity indicates the increasing adoption and use of ERC-6551 tokens, as more individuals and institutions recognize their value and participate in transactions within the ecosystem. This upward trend in transaction volume shows the growing popularity and momentum behind the ERC-6551 token, suggesting a positive outlook for its continued growth and impact in the market.

Several notable projects have adopted the ERC-6551 token standard, recognizing its potential and taking advantage of its benefits. Notable projects using this standard include Sapienz, Fuel Worlds, The Manager, and Parallel Trading Card Game. These projects serve as examples of the diverse applications and use cases that the ERC-6551 token enables in the realm of blockchain games and the metaverse.

Overall, the development of the ERC-6551 token has been marked by a rapid increase in accounts and transaction activity. Its appeal to the blockchain gaming and metaverse sectors, along with the growing adoption of notable projects, indicates a promising future for this token standard within the Ethereum ecosystem.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.

How is ERC-6551 being used?

ERC-6551 Token

The ERC-6551 token is being utilized in various domains, leveraging its capabilities to enhance different aspects of digital ecosystems. Here are some examples of how the ERC-6551 token is being used:

  • Gaming: The ERC-6551 token facilitates more engaging and interactive gaming experiences. Players can use these tokens to purchase and trade in-game items, upgrade their characters, or participate in token-based competitions.
  • Art: Artists can utilize the ERC-6551 token to create valuable and collectible pieces of digital art. By tokenizing their artwork as NFTs, artists can offer limited editions or grant exclusive content access to token holders.
  • Finance: The ERC-6551 token is employed in creating secure and efficient financial applications. Banks and financial institutions can use these tokens to issue loans, track asset ownership, or enable frictionless cross-border transactions.
  • Real Estate: The ERC-6551 token can represent real estate assets, simplifying the process of buying, selling, and renting properties. Tokenization provides transparency, reduces intermediaries, and helps mitigate fraud in real estate transactions.
  • Identity: ERC-6551 tokens can be utilized to establish digital identities. This enables secure and verifiable digital authentication for various purposes, such as voting, signing contracts, accessing services, or managing personal information.
  • Supply Chain Management: ERC-6551 tokens are valuable for tracking and tracing goods and services through the supply chain. By tokenizing products, companies can enhance transparency, and efficiency, and ensure the authenticity of goods.
  • Loyalty Programs: ERC-6551 tokens can be utilized to create loyalty programs for businesses. These tokens enable companies to reward customer loyalty, incentivize repeat business, and foster stronger customer relationships.
  • Crowdfunding: ERC-6551 tokens provide an avenue for crowdfunding initiatives. By tokenizing projects, individuals can easily participate in funding new businesses, films, charitable causes, or other ventures that align with their interests.

These examples demonstrate the diverse applications of the ERC-6551 token across various sectors, illustrating its potential to transform digital experiences, economies, and interactions.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.

What are ERC-6551 Tokens being used for and what good is it?

ERC-6551 Tokens

ERC-6551 tokens have found utility in diverse applications and offer numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced functionality: ERC-6551 tokens offer enhanced functionality compared to standard ERC-721 tokens. They possess the ability to represent unique assets, exhibit specific behaviors, and possess tailored properties that cater to various use cases. This expanded functionality makes ERC-6551 tokens well-suited for a wide array of applications across different industries.
  • Transparency and traceability: By using ERC-6551 tokens, transparency, and traceability can be enhanced in various processes. For instance, in supply chain management, these tokens can track and authenticate products, ensuring transparency and reducing the risk of counterfeiting. Tokenized assets benefit from transparent records of ownership and transaction history, making it easier to verify the authenticity of assets.
  • Increased liquidity: ERC-6551 tokens facilitate the tokenization of traditionally illiquid assets like real estate or artwork. By representing these assets on the blockchain, ERC-6551 tokens enhance liquidity, enabling fractional ownership and easier trading. This opens up investment opportunities and democratizes access to previously inaccessible assets.
  • Automation and efficiency: Leveraging ERC-6551 tokens, processes can be automated through smart contracts, reducing the need for intermediaries and streamlining transactions. This automation improves efficiency, reduces costs, and minimizes the potential for human error or fraud.
  • Interoperability: ERC-6551 tokens maintain compatibility with existing ERC-20 infrastructure, ensuring seamless integration with wallets, exchanges, and other Ethereum-based services. This interoperability facilitates the adoption of tokens and supports their use within a broader ecosystem.

ERC-6551 tokens offer enhanced functionality, versatility, transparency, increased liquidity, and automation. They enable innovative solutions in various industries and empower decentralized applications, finance, supply chain management, and more. The utilization of ERC-6551 tokens brings tangible benefits to businesses and users alike, driving the growth and adoption of this token standard.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ERC-6551 Token

Advantages of ERC-6551 Token Disadvantages of ERC-6551 Token
Enhanced functionality and versatility Increased complexity in development and implementation
Interoperability with existing ERC-20 infrastructure Potential adoption challenges due to the need for upgrades to existing token infrastructure
Strong community support and standardization Higher risk potential in the token implementation
Offers transparency and traceability in various processes Requires thorough testing and auditing to ensure security
Enables increased liquidity and tokenization of assets Initial integration hurdles with wallets, exchanges, and other services
Supports automation and efficiency through smart contracts May require additional effort and resources for token maintenance

Future Outlook on ERC-6551 Token

ERC-6551 Tokens

The future outlook for ERC-6551 tokens is promising, with several factors contributing to their potential growth and adoption:

  • Increased adoption: As more industries recognize the benefits of blockchain technology and look for decentralized solutions, ERC-6551 tokens can play an important role. The versatility and enhanced functionality offered by ERC-6551 tokens make them attractive for a variety of use cases, leading to increased adoption in areas such as supply chain management, finance, gaming, and identity verification.
  • Continuous Innovation: The Ethereum ecosystem is known for its vibrant developer community and continuous innovation. This ecosystem provides a fertile ground for exploring new possibilities and pushing the boundaries of ERC-6551 tokens. Ongoing research and development efforts may lead to the creation of innovative features, improved security measures, and improved performance, further supporting the adoption of ERC-6551 tokens.
  • Integration with GameFi: The booming decentralized finance (GameFi) space offers significant opportunities for ERC-6551 in the Metaverse. As the GameFi ecosystem expands and matures, the demand for more versatile and specialized tokens increases. ERC-6551 in the Metaverse can provide the functionality required for collateralization, yield farming, decentralized exchanges, and other GameFi applications, contributing to their future growth.
  • Regulatory Developments: Regulatory clarity and frameworks around blockchain and cryptocurrencies are constantly evolving. As the regulatory framework becomes more clear and favorable, they may encourage businesses and institutions to explore the use of ERC-6551 tokens in their operations. Regulatory support may contribute to wider acceptance and integration of ERC-6551 tokens into traditional financial systems.
  • Technological development: The underlying technology behind ERC-6551 tokens, such as the Ethereum blockchain, continues to evolve. Scaling solutions, such as Ethereum 2.0 and layer-two solutions, aim to address scalability and performance challenges. These technological advances could increase the efficiency and scalability of ERC-6551 tokens, making them more attractive for widespread adoption.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.


In conclusion, the growing demand for ERC-6551 tokens is due to their improved functionality, interoperability, and compatibility within the Ethereum blockchain. As businesses and industries recognize the potential of ERC-6551 tokens to revolutionize processes, improve efficiency, and open up new possibilities, the future outlook for this token standard is promising. While there are challenges in terms of complexity and adoption, ongoing developments in the Ethereum ecosystem and growing awareness of the benefits offered by ERC-6551 tokens bode well for their continued growth and impact on the blockchain technology landscape. Indicates the future.


Q: What is ERC-6551?

A: ERC-6551 is an Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) that defines a new token standard for Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs). Extends the functionality of ERC-721 tokens. The standard was created by Future Primitive, an on-chain product studio led by Benny Giang and Steve Zhang. ERC-6551 introduces the concept of Token Bound Accounts (TBAs).

Q: What are the benefits of ERC-6551?

A: Advantages of ERC-6551 include improved functionality, interoperability with existing Ethereum infrastructure, and support from the Ethereum community.

Q: What does the ERC-6551 standard allow?

A: ERC-6551 extends the functionality and value of NFTs by giving them smart contract capabilities. ERC-6551 tokens serve as smart contract wallets. This means that ERC-6551s can hold tokens and other NFTs just like a regular smart contract wallet can.

Q: What are the benefits of ERC-6551?

A: This new standard expands the functionality of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by allowing them to function as independent smart contracts. The ERC-6551 TBA project is sure to provide versatility, flexibility, and increased utility for NFTs.

Metaverse Market Crash: The Beginning of the End or a Bargain Buying Opportunity?


The Metaverse market crash has resulted in heavy losses for some investors. After the initial FOMO, bitter disappointment set in after more than 92% price losses for some of the largest projects. But what do the latest figures tell us about the current status of the Metaverse? Which developments are currently in the offing and can they still help to achieve a breakthrough? Are there possibly even particularly cheap buying opportunities right now? Read the following post now to make more informed decisions and not miss any possible chance!

What is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is a concept of a persistent, online, 3D universe that combines multiple different virtual spaces. You can think of it as a future iteration of the internet. The metaverse will allow users to work, meet, game, and socialize together in these 3D spaces.

The metaverse isn’t fully in existence, but some platforms contain metaverse-like elements. Video games currently provide the closest metaverse experience on offer. Developers have pushed the boundaries of what a game is by hosting in-game events and creating virtual economies.

Although not required, cryptocurrencies can be a great fit for a metaverse. They allow for the creation of a digital economy with different types of utility tokens and virtual collectibles (NFTs). The metaverse would also benefit from the use of crypto wallets, such as Trust Wallet and MetaMask. Also, blockchain technology can provide transparent and reliable governance systems.

Blockchain, metaverse-like applications already exist and provide people with liveable incomes. Axie Infinity is one play-to-earn game that many users play to support their income.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.

The Metaverse in a State of Turmoil?


In the fast-evolving digital landscape of 2023, the virtual world market started the year at a remarkable pace. During the first quarter, there was a surprising increase in trading volume for digital properties, increasing by a staggering 277%. According to data provided by DappRadar, the total trade reached an impressive $311 million. However, the second quarter saw a dramatic downturn, with trading volume falling 81 percent to just $56 million.

The decline in commercial activity was reflected by a 75% drop in land sales, which fell to 35,522. The main reason behind this reversal of fortune was the attention of users toward the rapidly emerging trends of meme coins and de-fi services. These alternative areas within the blockchain ecosystem gained significant interest, resulting in a significant decrease in trading activity within the metaverse sector.

Despite the overall downturn, Otherdeed for Otherside managed to maintain its leading position among the top virtual apps, although its trading volume dropped significantly by 84.86% to $44.5 million. Despite the downturn, the second quarter proved to be a critical period for the Yoga Labs ecosystem.

Sandbox and Decentraland, ranked third and fourth respectively, experienced notable events and contributions during the second quarter. Despite the bullish sentiment around these platforms, land sales volume declined by 44% and 66%, respectively.

Additionally, the recent lawsuits filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against prominent cryptocurrency exchanges Binance and Coinbase had a severe impact on the respective tokens, SAND and MANA, sending their value to their all-time highs. dropped below 92%. ATH). The regulatory action shook investor confidence and further contributed to the downward spiral of the metaverse sector.

These challenging developments have put the Metaverse in a state of turmoil, prompting stakeholders and industry participants to reassess strategies and seek avenues for revitalization. It remains to be seen how the market will evolve in the coming months and whether Metaverse can regain its previous momentum in the dynamic landscape of the digital age.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.

Invest early in the revolutionary VR metaverse!

Virtual land prices hit historic lows.


Virtual real estate prices have recently reached historic lows, signaling a significant shift in the dynamic landscape of the Metaverse. The virtual real estate market has been subject to notable fluctuations, with the peak of land prices occurring in 2022. However, the year 2023 has witnessed a considerable transformation in the market.

Several factors have contributed to the changing market conditions within the Metaverse. The burgeoning hype around meme coins and the proliferation of decentralized finance (DeFi) services have diverted user interest away from virtual worlds. Additionally, the lawsuits filed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against major cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance and Coinbase, have had a profound impact on the overall sentiment and engagement of users in the Metaverse.

These influences are evident in the decline of both the base prices and trading volume of Metaverse properties throughout 2023. Notably, The Sandbox, a prominent virtual world, experienced a staggering 85.19% decrease in prices, followed by a 94.91% decline in Decentraland’s value. Similarly, Otherdeed for Otherside witnessed an 86% drop in prices. While the SEC lawsuits likely affected the prices of SAND (The Sandbox’s native token) and MANA (Decentraland’s native token), it is important to note that other metaverses also encountered similar developments.

The convergence of various factors has created a unique market environment, characterized by lower virtual land prices and reduced trading activity. As the Metaverse continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how these dynamics will influence the future of virtual real estate and shape investment strategies within this emerging digital realm.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.

Invest now in a unique business metaverse!

Is Falling Investment in Metaverse Startups a Sign of the End?


The Metaverse industry has also seen a significant decrease in funding, down 66% from 2022. Despite this, the industry has attracted an impressive $707 million since the start of 2023. In 2022, infrastructure projects accounted for the largest share of funding with a 33.47% dominance, while metaverse projects only came in at 27.32%.

Despite the seeming abatement of the Metaverse funding hype, the future is far from bleak. The industry continues to attract significant investment as it is expected to grow from $416.02 billion in 2023 to a staggering $3,409.29 billion by 2027. That’s an incredible 69.2% compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

Companies like Animoca continue to support Metaverse startups and have invested in more than 20 companies pushing the boundaries of the Metaverse over the past six months. Despite the current challenges, continued funding and development point to an exciting future for the Metaverse.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.

Future Prospects for the Metaverse

In addition, the virtual reality (VR) world took another step forward when Apple introduced its new VR headset, the Apple Vision Pro. This stylish $3,500 device aims to redefine our virtual interactions and shape the future of the Metaverse.

The arrival of the Apple Vision Pro is a game changer not only for Apple but for other companies in the Metaverse ecosystem as well. Unity, a prominent game development platform, saw its shares surge 17% after announcing Apple’s VR set. Disney also saw its stock value rise when it announced that its Disney+ streaming service would be compatible with the Vision Pro. But SAND, MANA, APE, and VR were also able to benefit from the news, at least in the short term.

The Metaverse is rapidly changing from a sci-fi fantasy into a tangible, tactile, virtual reality just like the blockchain games. At the forefront of this revolution are Asian countries leading the way with innovative platforms like Roblox, Decentraland, Fortnite, Sandbox, and Zepeto. As technology continues to evolve, the Metaverse is expected to have a significant impact on Asia’s GDP, which is estimated to reach between $800 billion and $1.4 trillion annually by 2035. Hong Kong, China, and Japan are at the forefront. Step into the future of fashion and immerse yourself in the Metaverse like never before! With the Metasuit, we’re revolutionizing the way you experience virtual worlds by combining cutting-edge technology with stylish, hybrid fabrics.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.

Invest now in a special virtual working world!

Metaverse Market Growth Dynamics

Metaverse Market Growth

Driver: Growth in demand in the entertainment and gaming industry

The global media and entertainment and gaming industry has seen the fastest growth due to the adoption of AR, VR, and MR technologies. The main reasons for adopting these technologies are that devices, such as VR headsets, MR headsets, HUDs, HMDs, smart glasses, and smart helmets, can offer a first-person perspective, acting as a natural user interface. can provide 6 degrees of freedom, etc., to create realistic-looking virtual scenarios to enhance the overall gaming experience of end users.

Due to the introduction of these devices and the solutions offered, user experiences have increased manifold. Virtual user experience in real-time scenarios is the best presentation technology can provide to mankind. The growing demand for augmented reality devices has also attracted significant investments by key market players. Increasing investments and developments by key market players are expected to boost the adoption of Metaverse in gaming and entertainment.

Cons: High installation and maintenance costs of advanced Metaverse components

Metaverse hardware includes XR devices, semiconductor components, sensors, trackers, and other cutting-edge devices. To experience the metaverse in a realistic and immersive way, fast networking, sufficient storage, and high-end hardware are required, which are expensive. The devices used in Metaverse also use 3D and other advanced technologies to create realistic-looking virtual environments, making their prices much higher.

Enterprise-grade Metaverse software such as engines, 3D modeling software, and rendering tools are expensive. In addition, the installation of augmented reality devices and solutions requires additional costs. Their maintenance costs further add to the overall investment needed to adopt this technology. Hence, such high installation and maintenance costs will restrain the growth of the Metaverse market globally.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.


Opportunity: Inclusion of Metaverse and related technologies in the aerospace and defense sector

Technologies, such as XR, AI, and analytics in the aerospace and defense sector are expected to be useful for training and simulation applications to a large extent. These technologies combined with Metaverse are expected to be helpful for experimental training using real-time data-driven applications. Thus, Metaverse is enabling better and more efficient transfer of the right skills and better knowledge retention by the trainees in this vertical/enterprise.

Augmented reality is used to train ground crews for pre-flight checks in airlines. It is also used to allow the ground crew to carry out required procedures before the aircraft takes off. Further, shared technologies can be used to inspect aircraft before take-off, analyze data, and detect faults, thereby ensuring increased safety. Metaverse, in integration with XR, can also assist in weapons training, flight training, and simulation practices, thereby promoting market growth.

Challenge: Result of global economic slowdown due to COVID-19

The ongoing pandemic has increased the demand for augmented reality devices due to unexpected lockdowns in critical regions (Europe, Asia Pacific, and North America). Employees of many organizations are working from home in the wake of COVID-19, thus increasing the need for virtual meetings, training, and conferences. The pandemic has also affected the global manufacturing of augmented reality devices.

A 2020 survey of the manufacturing industry in the US by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) showed that more than 35 percent of respondents believe that COVID-19 has affected their supply chain operations. is, and more than 53 percent is expected. Changes in their work in the coming months.

Some major industrial companies have closed their facilities and are considering a range of layoffs to prevent the spread of the virus and for economic reasons. The severe impact of the pandemic on the manufacturing industry has halted the supply of augmented reality devices across the globe. This has reduced consumer spending on non-essential items. Consequently, it is expected to act as a challenge to the growth of the Metaverse market in the short term.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.

On the basis of components, the software segment holds the largest market size during the forecast period.

The software market is dominated by augmented reality software. The high share is attributed to the high demand for AR and VR web app development tools, AR and VR mobile app development tools, AR and VR studios, software development kits (SDK), and cloud-based tools. Additionally, 3D mapping, modeling, and reconstruction tools, and volumetric video tools are key components for designing virtual worlds and games in Metaverse platforms.

The software market for metaverse platforms is growing at the highest rate due to the emergence of centralized and decentralized gateways, avatar identity generators, play-to-earn games, virtual worlds, and metaverse-based social media. The market for metaverse and financial platforms is dominated by a number of startups and is an emerging market with high potential for fast-growing technologies, such as blockchain, NFT, cryptocurrency, and virtualization. Companies are focusing on leveraging these technologies to design their own platforms and decentralized solutions.

The hardware market is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The introduction of HUD in the entertainment sector will boost the growth of the AR devices segment of the market. The ability of AR devices to connect the real world with virtual objects has increased their demand in various applications.

Currently, AR smart glasses have the highest demand among AR devices in industrial applications, thus contributing to the growth of the AR devices segment. Haptics and gesture-tracking devices have been an integral part of VR hardware due to the increased use of consumer applications. Gaming with gesture-tracking devices gives users a better experience of the virtual world. The MR devices segment is mainly dominated by Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Magic Lap One, which are expected to gain popularity in the Metaverse experience.

On the basis of verticals, the consumer segment holds the largest market share among verticals during the forecast period

The consumer segment mainly consists of two sub-segments namely gaming and social media, and live entertainment and other events. Various entertainment applications include museums (archaeology), theme parks, art galleries, and exhibitions. Metaverse, with XR technology, offers remarkable results in terms of visual effects when used in gaming and sports broadcasting.

The gaming sector has been an early adopter of new technologies such as 3D, VR, and MR. These technologies can enhance players’ gaming experience by creating virtual objects and characters, which are linked to defined locations in the real world. Players can interact and get involved in real-time in these games and the engine and 3D modeling software are designed so accurately that it feels like live gaming to a player. Live entertainment and events include sports, circuses, music concerts, and other events such as trade fairs, exhibitions, seminars, etc.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.

Fueling the Metaverse Revolution in 2023: Unveiling the $707 Million Investment


Despite a significant slowdown in the virtual world market and a steep fall in Metaverse land prices, the Metaverse industry has attracted substantial investment in 2023. According to a recent report by DappRadar, venture capital funds have invested $707 million in Metaverse projects this year.

The report highlights a sharp decline in trade volume in Q2 2023, falling 81% to $56M due to shifting interests toward AI, memes, and DeFi services. This has led to a decrease in the trading volume of top virtual apps such as Otherdeed for Otherside and Topia.

Another notable development is the introduction of Token Bound Accounts (ERC-6551), which is set to revolutionize the way we interact with NFTs. ERC-6551 allows every NFT to own Ethereum (ETH) and other ERC-20, 721, and 1155 tokens, opening the way for many use cases previously inaccessible or implemented on-chain. It was difficult to import.

The report also highlights Asia’s potential to dominate the metaverse market, with its GDP expected to grow to $1.4 trillion by 2035. Countries or regions such as Hong Kong, mainland China, and Japan are leveraging Metaverse as a strategic asset for their digital. Future.

In the face of these challenges, companies like Animoca Brands are still making significant investments in metaverse startups, indicating a promising future for the industry. Despite the current market downturn, this continued funding and growth points to an exciting future in the Metaverse space.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.


The ongoing evolution of digital technologies, particularly Virtual Reality (VR) and the metaverse, is reshaping our world and economy in groundbreaking ways. Apple’s introduction of the Apple VR Pro has the potential to make VR technology mainstream, driven by innovative features that aim to enhance user interaction in the virtual world. Concurrently, the rise of decentralized identity solutions and AI technology marks an era of heightened digital security and efficient, user-friendly digital environments.

Asia, as a key player in this digital transformation, is set to reap immense benefits from the metaverse, estimated to boost the region’s GDP by up to $1.4 trillion by 2035. Countries such as China, Japan, and Hong Kong are leveraging their unique strengths to harness the potential of the metaverse, thereby enhancing economic growth and digital innovation.

A Simple Way to Earn Bitcoin by Playing Minecraft: Get Started Today



Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to an extraordinary level? Prepare to embark on an exhilarating adventure in the world of digital treasure hunting! Thanks to a game-changing innovation from the tech startup Zebedee, a special Minecraft server known as Satlantis is set to revolutionize your gameplay.

Imagine diving into your favorite computer game and emerging with actual Bitcoin! Yes, you heard right. Your ingenuity in Minecraft can now reward you with real cryptocurrency.

Zebedee has breathed new life into the game by integrating the thrill of crypto mining within the beloved Minecraft universe. Every structure you build, every creeper you battle, could now pave the way to digital riches in Bitcoin!

Feeling the buzz of excitement? All it takes is an iPhone or Android device with the ZBD wallet app, and you’re ready to start collecting your Bitcoin earnings. So why wait? Merge your passion for gaming with the thrill of crypto mining and join the Satlantis server today! Dive deep into the digital realm and start turning your Minecraft adventures into Bitcoin bounty!

Want to Earn Bitcoin While Playing Minecraft?

Now, envision infusing this creative experience with a real-world reward system, earning Bitcoin. This thrilling addition opens up a new layer of benefits for players, adding to the joy of gaming. It’s a unique opportunity to gain an understanding of digital currencies while enhancing your gaming experience. 

This cluster of creativity and earning potential makes Minecraft even more enticing! This unique feature comes from the combined efforts of a startup named Zebedee and a Minecraft server called Satlantis. It’s available for the computer version of Minecraft, specifically the Java edition. Here’s how it works:

  • First, you need to join the game on the Satlantis server and set up an account. Satlantis adds a Bitcoin twist to the regular Minecraft world.
  • You’ll feel like you’re mining Bitcoin in real life! As you play and gather virtual goodies and resources, these get converted into Bitcoin rewards.
  • The cool tech behind this is the Lightning Network. Zebedee is a platform designed specifically to add Bitcoin microtransactions to MMOGs and MMOs. Zebedee uses Lightning Network.
  • That means you can get your Bitcoin rewards quickly and securely as you play.

Here is the link to the detailed gameplay, Watch this and start earning Bitcoin: 


Fun Facts About Earning Bitcoin By Playing Minecraft Via Zebedee

Zebedee is teaming up with a Minecraft server called Satlantis to offer an amazing new feature. At the current market price of $30,325.70 per Bitcoin, one-hundredth of a Bitcoin is worth $303.26.

With the current conversion rate, gamers who earn more than a million Satoshis every week (over 0.01 Bitcoin) would take home more than $303.26.. But what is a Satoshi, you might wonder? Well, it’s the smallest unit of Bitcoin, named after the person who created Bitcoin.


  • You can use the Bitcoin you’ve earned in the game to buy land, tools, and other stuff you need to build your virtual world. Even more exciting, you can use it to get gift cards for stores like Amazon!
  • Send it to Zebedee’s app if you want to use your Bitcoin outside the game. From there, you can use your Bitcoin in other games in Zebedee’s network or trade it on special websites called exchanges, like OKCoin and Bitfinex.
  • The Zebedee app also lets you change your earned Bitcoin into different types of money, but they haven’t told us which ones yet.
  • Remember, Zebedee and Satlantis are not connected with Mojang Studios, the company that made Minecraft.

The Power of Bitcoin in Minecraft


Having fun in Minecraft and earning real Bitcoin at the same time! This thrilling feature boosts the game, giving you both in-game achievements and real-world rewards.

This Bitcoin option makes Minecraft even more rewarding and educates players about digital currencies. It also may draw more people to the game, particularly those curious about earning Bitcoin.

So, it’s a win for everyone. Players enjoy Minecraft and earn Bitcoin, while Minecraft potentially gains popularity and a larger, diverse player base. It’s a fantastic blend of virtual fun and real-world learning and earning. The new feature is an integration between Minecraft and a startup called Zebedee.

It allows players to earn Bitcoin rewards while playing on the Satlantis server in the Java edition of Minecraft. Players can withdraw these Bitcoin rewards to the ZBD wallet app on their smartphones. Satlantis is a special server in the game Minecraft, which has teamed up with Zebedee. Players can earn Bitcoin rewards on this server as they play the game. 

ThZebedee uses this technology to quickly and securely give Bitcoin rewards to players as they play Minecraft on the Satlantis server. Yes, you can! The Bitcoin you earn can be used to purchase in-game resources.

You can also withdraw it to the ZBD wallet app. From there, you can use your Bitcoin in other games in Zebedee’s network, trade it on certain websites, or even get gift cards for stores like Amazon and Walmart.

About Minecraft


Minecraft is an incredible video game that allows you to construct and discover your unique virtual worlds. This is a world where your creativity has no bounds – from building sky-high castles to crafting hidden underground cities using blocks.

Blockchain technology has been used in Minecraft servers and add-ons. BitQuest is a Minecraft server. Users might locate Bitcoins and spend them in-game. 

Players might also use Web 3.0 functionalities in NFT Worlds. However, this has been cancelled, and a separate game has been built.  NFT Worlds was highly condemned and banned by Minecraft owner Microsoft in July 2022.

The game’s wealth gap and NFT/cryptocurrency scandals led to the suspension. Satlantis developers believe that Microsoft can utilize the EULA to take action against undesired programs in an emergency. 

Larger servers also violate restrictions. This shows the difficulties of incorporating blockchain and cryptocurrency into conventional video games. However, this indicates player interest in Minecraft and blockchain technology, which led to Bitcoin awards.


In conclusion, the world of Minecraft has become even more exciting with the addition of Bitcoin rewards. The partnership between Zebedee and the Satlantis server opens up a new realm where players can have fun building and exploring while earning real-world Bitcoin.

This integration enhances the gaming experience and provides an interesting way to learn about digital currencies and their growing significance in our modern world. It truly is a remarkable blend of virtual creativity and real-world earning potential, making Minecraft an even more captivating game for players around the globe.


Line Next and Sega Partner to Build New Web3 Game for Game Dosi

Line Next and Sega Partner to Build New Web3 Game for Game Dosi

Line Next and Sega Partner to Build New Web3 Game for Game Dosi

In a groundbreaking development announced today, gaming giant Sega has partnered with Line Next to bring one of its most popular games into the realm of the blockchain. Utilizing cutting-edge NFT technology developed by web3, a South Korean based company, the beloved game is set to be reimagined and ported to the Game Dosi platform.

But what game will it be? What impact will this have on the GameFi market, and how will it change the gaming landscape as we know it? How will this development affect your investment strategy, and what could it mean for the future profitability of this innovative sector? 

This alliance signals a new era in gaming, one where web3 technology, blockchain, and NFTs transform traditional gaming experiences. If you don’t want to miss out on the latest revolutionary developments in the GameFi market or miss a potentially profitable investment opportunity, read this article now!

Line Next, South Korea, will utilize its NFT technology to put a popular Sega game on the blockchain. According to the terms of this agreement, Line Next will be agreed to use one of Sega’s “viral” game intellectual assets in a Web3 game. Line Next hopes to promote Web3 gaming by showcasing this new game on the Game Dosi platform and assisting with NFT creation, digital payments, and promotional efforts.

Web3 Gaming Is Going to Be Completely Redefined by These Innovative Giants

Line Next and Sega Partner to Build New Web3 Game for Game Dosi

On Monday, Sega said it would discontinue developing many portions of its own Web 3 games. However, it would depend on other parties, such as Line Next, in this case. Shuji Utsumi, Sega’s co-chief operating officer, said, “However, for most of them in the video game business, what blockchain enthusiasts say may seem a little excessive, but that’s how the first penguin has always been.” 

We must never fail to recognize their worth. Sega said that it planned to maintain its financial commitment to the game world. Line Next CEO Youngsu Ko says the company is excited to work with gaming giant Sega to provide cutting-edge titles on the Web3 platform. 

Thanks to this collaboration, Sega fans and everyone else can easily access high-quality Web3 material from Game Dosi.

Gaming Giant Sega Withdraws from Blockchain

As the global cryptocurrency market crashes, gaming giant Sega Corporation, once considered one of the greatest advocates of blockchain gaming, is pulling out of the industry. Co-CEO Shuji Utsumi claims that the studio responsible for Sonic the Hedgehog and Yakuza is doing well.

To preserve the worth of its material, it will not contribute its most valuable assets to decentralized blockchain gaming initiatives. He said the company has temporarily halted plans to develop other games in that genre. They still in the area but only with third parties.

A significant change is stirring within Sony Group Corp., a well-established firm with over six decades of history. A senior official who helped launch PlayStation 10 years ago suggests a new direction for the company. Square Enix Holdings Co., Bandai Namco Holdings Inc., and Sega all support blockchain technology in the gaming business, thinking it would improve game popularity.

During the same period, gaming ecosystems like Axie Infinity, where users can earn tokens simply by playing, have seen an explosion in growth. Yet, the enthusiasm has somewhat cooled down due to the fluctuating nature of many digital currencies. Sega’s CEO recently announced that its strategy is pivoting towards online releases for most of its future games. Sega has decided to keep its “Three Kingdoms” and “Virtual Fighter” characters from the distributed ledger. 

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) may only be used by external parties. The company faced harsh criticism when it announced in 2021 that it planned to join the growing NFT community. Players are skeptical that crypto technology can be used in the game industry.

About the Companies:

Line Next and Sega Partner to Build New Web3 Game for Game Dosi Sega Corporation is a worldwide video game and entertainment company based in Shinagawa, Tokyo. Sega’s video games are the outcome of its research and development. One of the industry’s most popular trademarks is Sonic the Hedgehog, developed and maintained by Sega’s Sonic Team. Atlus, Play Heart, Amplitude Studios, Creative Assembly, Hardlight, Relic Entertainment, Sports Interactive, and Two Point Studios are some third-party studios Sega has purchased.

To “Close the Distance” between people, places, and things is central to LINE’s mission. The LINE messaging service, which debuted in June 2011, has developed into a global ecosystem that includes AI software, banking technology, and more. When the commercial merger between LINE and Z Holdings Group was finally completed in March of 2021, LINE became part of one of Japan’s top ISPs.

The partnership between LINE and LINE Next demonstrates a commitment to innovation and growth. LINE Next is driving the evolution of LINE’s platform, enabling the company to offer a broader range of services to its users and help third-party developers reach a wider audience.

This approach aligns with LINE’s mission to “Close the Distance,” as it facilitates more seamless, diverse, and rich communication and interaction between people, services, and information.


The systematic strategy that Sega is taking to blockchain gaming aligns with NFTCulture’s claim that there need to be more enjoyable games in the web3 and NFT gaming ecosystems. Without prioritizing the client experience, the industry runs the danger of falling short of its potential.

To ensure blockchain gaming’s continued success, it’s crucial to accommodate both programmers and gamers. Using blockchain technology and NFTs creates exciting opportunities for tokenization; these elements should serve the game rather than steal the show. Additionally, this partnership will allow Line Next to expand its services and improve its infrastructure.


STEPN’s Gas Hero: A Game-Changer in the Web3 MMO Gaming Landscape

STEPN's Gas Hero_ A Game-Changer in the Web3 MMO Gaming Landscape

STEPN will redefine the future with Gas Hero, the newest Web3 game from the creators of STEPN! Engage in thrilling battles, design your characters, and interact with other players for a chance to earn power, fame, and rewards. Join the three-month contest and contribute to shaping the world of Gas Hero. It’s not just a game; it’s an adventure!

STEPN's Gas Hero_ A Game-Changer in the Web3 MMO Gaming Landscape

Gas Hero Is The New Adventure From Find Satoshi Lab

Find Satoshi Lab, the creators of the successful blockchain-powered fitness app, STEPN, has a new project – Gas Hero! Known for bringing fresh ideas to the world of web3 games, they hope to make Gas Hero just as popular as STEPN, which gained fame for being the first blockchain game to let users use Apple Pay for in-app purchases.

Gas Hero is a game where players can guide their characters through a future world after everything’s gone wrong. Gas Hero is a post-apocalyptic game set in a dystopian future. Players guide their characters through diverse challenges, leveraging scarce resources, solving puzzles, and navigating hostile environments. The game emphasizes survival strategies and the human spirit’s resilience against societal collapse.

Even before Gas Hero is officially released, players can get involved by entering a special contest. This is a new approach in web3 gaming that Find Satoshi Lab believes will attract more players and build a strong community.

The contest is about letting players show their creativity and help develop the game. The winning designs will help shape what Gas Hero looks like, and winners can earn rewards and recognition in the web3 gaming world.

Find Satoshi Lab is passionate about growing the world of web3 gaming. They’re hoping that with the exciting gameplay and interesting future world of Gas Hero, plus the fun of the contest, they can create an unforgettable gaming experience that brings together creativity, community, and blockchain technology.

What’s Exciting About the Gas Hero Contest?

STEPN's Gas Hero_ A Game-Changer in the Web3 MMO Gaming Landscape

Mitali Manghani, a Find Satoshi Lab (FSL) spokesperson, emphasized the social side of their new game, Gas Hero. She said that players would be encouraged to interact with each other. It will boost things like power, fame, and rewards. They are working hard to make the games fun to play.

Gas Hero is coming hot on the heels of FSL’s successful game. STEPN recently made headlines as the first game using blockchain technology to include Apple Pay.

The Gas Hero contest will happen in three parts over three months, starting on July 10 and ending on October 9. The first part, which ends on August 8, invites players to create designs for characters with cool code names like Ape Commander, Ascetic Monk, Combat Queen, Lone Werewolf, and more.

Gas Hero promises to be another exciting venture from the team at Find Satoshi Lab. Just like with STEPN, they aim to deliver an engaging and interactive gaming experience that blends the gaming world with the power of blockchain technology.

Gas Hero is a game all about community, where players are motivated to connect to earn rewards, gain power, and become famous. It’s a strategic game set in a post-apocalyptic world where players build their bases and face off in exciting battles. 

The Gas Hero contest is a creative challenge that allows players to contribute to the game’s development. The contest spans three phases over three months, inviting players to submit character designs based on provided codenames. 

Winning designs will shape the game’s visual identity, and winners can earn rewards and recognition. Just like STEPN, Gas Hero is a Web3 game that uses blockchain technology. This technology allows for unique game features, like allowing players to earn rewards that have real-world value.


STEPN is a fitness app famous for being the first blockchain-powered game to integrate Apple Pay for in-app purchases. Players of STEPN earn rewards by keeping active, and these rewards can be converted into real-world value. Gas Hero, reminiscent of survival games like Axie Infinity, draws players into a dystopian world, challenging them with resource management, puzzles, and hostile environments.

The success of STEPN showcased FSL’s ability to combine innovative technology, user-friendly interfaces, and engaging experiences to create successful blockchain-based applications.


To wrap things up, Find Satoshi Lab, the futuristic creator behind STEPN, is bringing a new game to the block called Gas Hero. This massively multiplayer online game will let players join in from anywhere using their web browsers or mobile phones.

It might not be about “gas fees” from the crypto world, but we’re sure it’ll be filled with its kind of thrills. Just like they did with STEPN, the team aims to use this game to mix the fun of gaming with the coolness of blockchain technology.


The Partnership of Wemade’s Wemix and Mythos

The Partnership of Wemade’s Wemix and Mythos

The collaboration between Wemade’s Wemix and Mythos is a bold move, a brilliant solution to the problem of the East-West split in the video game industry. This partnership allows Wemade, known for its unique Asian-influenced games, to complement the narrative qualities of Mythos, known for its focus on the West. It’s a virtual world extravaganza, a coming together of gamers from all over the globe who share the same aesthetic and set of skills.

The Partnership of Wemade’s Wemix and Mythos Wemade’s Wemix and Mythos, two giants in the video game business, have joined forces, bringing in a new era of possibilities for gamers everywhere. With a deal of these two titans, the gaming industry will enter new domains of immersive experiences, technical innovation, and fascinating narratives.

The partnership has created excitement among gamers and set the ground for breathtaking new experiences in the digital realm. Combining Wemade’s novel mechanic skill with Mythos’ story creation prowess fosters a flourishing environment. They want to create games that are more than simply fun for everyone involved; they want to symbolize the strength of group imagination.

Given Wemade’s expertise in MMORPGs and Mythos’ proficiency in developing powerful narratives, players may anticipate a new range of experiences, a buffet of interesting realms to explore. Wemade’s vast realms are a great fit for the Mythos stories, providing the next level that fascinates players for hours.

Together, Wemade’s Wemix and Mythos create an exciting new chapter in the history of video games via their commitment to immersive world-building and epic storytelling, respectively. It’s a historic partnership that will place players at the center of their world, promoting cultural understanding and fostering technological advancement.

Expected Benefits for the Gaming Industry

Cross-Cultural Integration: 

This partnership would facilitate the blending of distinct gaming cultures, creating a more diverse, inclusive, and global gaming experience.

Innovation in Game Development

By combining Wemade’s technological expertise with Mythos’ storytelling skills, we can expect a surge in innovative game design that pushes the boundaries of what’s currently possible.

Higher Quality Gaming Experiences

As two industry titans merge their strengths, the quality of gaming experiences is bound to rise, leading to more immersive, engaging, and fulfilling games for users.

Increased Market Opportunities

The partnership is expected to generate new market opportunities as the combined entity can appeal to a broader range of gamers across the globe.

Fostering Global Gaming  Communities

The merger can help create global gaming communities by leveraging both companies’ international presence and influence.

More Varied Gaming Options

With the synergy of Wemade’s MMORPG specialization and Mythos’ strength in narrative-driven games, gamers can anticipate various gaming genres and styles.

Cultural Appreciation and Exchange

This partnership can stimulate greater cultural exchange and understanding among gamers, creating games that reflect diverse cultural perspectives and experiences.

Economic Growth

The combined power of these two companies can potentially stimulate economic growth in the gaming industry, leading to job creation and increased investment.

Competitive Benchmark

The merger sets a new precedent for industry collaboration, potentially encouraging other companies to explore strategic partnerships to drive growth and innovation.

Greater Industry Influence

The partnership could strengthen the gaming industry’s influence in the broader entertainment sector, recognizing gaming as a powerful cultural and artistic medium.

Growth of  Web3 Gaming

Wemade, a prominent South Korean blockchain games developer, has announced that its WEMIX foundation has joined the Mythos Foundation as a Subcommittee member.

The Mythos Foundation, Mythos, and Mythos DAO were founded to improve and standardize Web3 gaming; its first backer was Mythical Games, a firm headquartered in the United States. There are presently over 20 governing partners in the Mythos Foundation, all of whom are Web3 and gaming firms like WEMIX.

There are three different committees in the Mythos ecosystem: one for game design and publishing, one for Web3 and metaverse infrastructure, and one for esports and guilds. WEMIX will participate in the games subcommittee to aid in the development and promotion of the Mythos chain.

Last year, Wemade and the Mythos Foundation entered into a collaboration agreement. With WEMIX’s addition, the committee’s efforts to work together to boost each other’s ecosystems will pick up speed.

Improving Effective Partnership

The importance of teamwork in the blockchain gaming business is shown by WEMIX’s membership in the Mythos Foundation. These pioneers in the game business are driving the development and standardization of Web3 by pooling their talents, knowledge, and resources.

About the Companies:

South Korea’s Preeminent Blockchain Gaming Giant Wemade creatively works with blockchain and other centralized technologies. Since they’ve built DApps with DeFi, they can provide unparalleled safety, transparency, and financial possibilities in gaming. NFTs enable players to control their in-game assets and trade them in a decentralized marketplace.

These innovative blockchain applications demonstrate Wemade’s commitment to immersive, participatory, and fair gaming.

On the other hand, Mythos is actively working on using the multichain idea and multi-token economy in their game environment without sacrificing the quality of their narrative. The multichain approach improves scalability, interoperability, and game diversity by seamlessly integrating several blockchains. 

As an example of their storytelling prowess, their flagship game, “Odessey of Heroes,” has received widespread recognition. However, the multi-token economy allows intricate in-game interactions with tokens reflecting varying values or utility.  Thus, Mythos is making games with compelling tales and healthy economies.


The relationship has been essential in accelerating the development and collab of Web3 gaming within the Mythos ecosystem. This partnership is more than simply a conglomeration of gaming firms; it will usher in a new age of gaming by promoting an innovative, international outlook on interactive entertainment. 

Unlocking the Potential: Exploring EU Metaverse Regulation and Shaping the Future of Digital Experiences


EU-Metaverse EU Metaverse Regulation

The EU Metaverse Regulation includes rules and regulations to regulate the metaverse landscape in the EU. It aims to protect user protection, privacy, and ethical norms in the rapidly growing virtual worlds and digital economy. The regulation explores innovative governance strategies to foster innovation, economic progress, and user trust.

Exploring the EU Metaverse Strategy:

The EU Metaverse Strategy aims to create a comprehensive framework for metaverse regulation. It entails coordinated efforts from stakeholders, industry experts, and legislators to solve various issues, such as privacy, competition, and individual rights.

Within the metaverse ecosystem, the strategy strongly emphasizes fostering fair competition, protecting user privacy, and upholding individual rights. The EU seeks to establish a futuristic regulatory framework that encourages innovation and responsible metaverse development by reviewing current regulations and adapting them to the difficulties of the metaverse.


Key Considerations of EU Metaverse Regulation: Privacy, Competition, and Individual Rights:

A major concern of the EU Metaverse Regulation is privacy. As users immerse themselves in virtual worlds, personal information about them may be gathered, saved, and shared. The EU is aware of the need to set up strong privacy safeguards that allow users control over their data and guarantee adherence to data protection laws.

The EU wants to increase user confidence in the metaverse ecosystem by applying privacy-by-design principles and enforcing transparency from metaverse platforms.

Another important factor is ensuring fair competition. The EU Metaverse Regulation aims to protect developers and metaverse platforms from monopolistic practices and to create a level playing field for them.

The EU wants to promote a diversified and competitive metaverse market advantageous to enterprises and users by promoting interoperability, data portability, and open standards.

EU-Metaverse- Additionally, the EU Metaverse Regulation places a high priority on individual rights. The EU protects the rights of metaverse users, including their accessibility and freedom of expression.

The EU wants to build a welcoming and empowering metaverse environment that upholds the rights and dignity of every person. To that end, it has established clear criteria for content control, user consent, and protection against discrimination.


The Impact of the EU Metaverse Party in Shaping Metaverse Regulation:

The European Commission committed €387k to an online virtual reality platform to excite young people about Global Gateway, launched a year ago. The internet portal began a few weeks ago to mostly negative reviews. When just five people, including one journalist, attended an EU metaverse party, this criticism became derision.

By fostering a collaborative approach, the party ensures that all relevant perspectives are considered, resulting in regulations that balance innovation with safeguards. The EU Metaverse Party paves the way for responsible and inclusive metaverse development through strategic initiatives like exploring blockchain technology and Play-to-Earn games.

By leveraging its leadership position, the party drives the adoption of ethical practices and empowers users in the metaverse ecosystem.

Balancing Innovation and Safeguards in the Metaverse:

The EU understands the value of balancing innovation and security measures in the metaverse. It strives to build regulatory mechanisms that safeguard users and uphold ethical standards while supporting technical advancements and creative potential.

The EU aims to ensure that the metaverse develops sustainably and securely by supporting responsible innovation and proactive risk management. This well-rounded strategy attempts to achieve a harmonic balance between encouraging innovation and defending the needs of consumers and society at large.

Collaborative Approach: Stakeholders and Experts:

EU-Metaverse- The EU approaches metaverse regulation collaboratively, enlisting the help of numerous specialists and stakeholders. To create comprehensive and inclusive legislation, policymakers collaborate with industry representatives, technological experts, legal experts, and user advocacy organizations.

This collaborative approach ensures that many viewpoints are considered and that the regulations reflect the requirements and interests of all parties.

The EU seeks to establish an informed, workable, and flexible legal system to accommodate the metaverse’s dynamic nature by creating collaborations and encouraging discourse.


Opportunities, Risks, and Solutions

Virtual worlds will alter EU business and employment with an anticipated €800 billion worldwide growth by 2030 and 860,000 new jobs by 2025. Opportunities, Success Stories and Challenges (Health, Education)” found that 98% of professionals interviewed thought that XR technology would greatly advance their industries during the next five years. Benefiting sectors include:

Healthcare: Virtual worlds will speed up and improve diagnosis and treatment.

Education: These technologies can improve soft skills training efficiency and cost. Another virtual trend is foreign language study.

Art and Creativity: Users engage in a virtual world of museums, galleries, and archives, experiencing the exhibition as if they were there. Virtual worlds allow architects to walk through 3D structures for a realistic view of their designs.

Logistics, engineering, and manufacturing: Companies may safely teach employees globally about tool usage. They may also test manufacturing lines or complicated architectural structure prototypes to find flaws before turning on new features, saving time and money.

Like the internet, these tremendous prospects have drawbacks. These include awareness, trustworthy information, digital skills, user acceptance and confidence in new technology, and fundamental rights issues. European Digital Rights and Principles support sustainable, human-centred digital change. EU ideals and basic rights will shape future virtual worlds.

Upholding Individual Rights in the Digital Landscape:

EU-metaverse The EU understands how important metaverse digital rights protection is. It defends free speech, privacy, and information access. By defining content regulation, user consent, and discrimination protections, the EU ensures that individuals may actively engage in the metaverse while being treated fairly and respectfully.

The EU creates a welcome and empowering metaverse where individuals can express themselves and have rewarding digital experiences by preserving fundamental rights. 


Leading the Way: The Vision of EU for the Future of the Metaverse:

The EU holds a position of leadership in shaping the future of the metaverse, driven by its commitment to responsible innovation. With a forward-thinking approach, the EU seeks to create a secure, diverse, and user-centric metaverse.

The EU sets a high standard for metaverse development by implementing regulations that address privacy concerns, encouraging fair competition, and protecting individual rights. The EU promotes interoperability, standards, and best practices that foster innovation and user trust through strategic partnerships and collaboration with industry leaders.

By taking a proactive role in shaping the future of the metaverse, the EU aims to unlock the full potential of this transformative digital landscape.


The EU metaverse regulation is motivated by a vision for responsible innovation that balances technology’s growth and people’s interests. The EU seeks to promote an open, competitive, and secure metaverse environment through a collaborative process involving stakeholders and subject matter experts.

The EU establishes rules to ensure user trust, fair competition, and respect for fundamental values by focusing on privacy, competition, and individual rights. The EU is dedicated to fostering an environment that encourages innovation, protects user interests, and lays the path for a thriving and responsible metaverse landscape because of its leading position in determining the future of the metaverse.

Scientists Use AI to Discover Drugs That Kill ‘Zombie Cells,’ Fight Age-Related Diseases

AI_Drug Discovery Synolytic 1.0

Researchers have formulated an effective AI program for quick drug detection to kill zombie cells within minutes. To be effective, senolytic medications must destroy senescent cells, commonly known as “zombie” cells. These cells function metabolically but can’t reproduce since their DNA has been damaged. AI_Drug Discovery Synolytic 1.0

But using AI in “drug discovery” has equipped a new, more productive, and less expensive way to locate possible drugs. Artificial intelligence has impacted almost all fields of life, including medicine, business, and others. Recently, it has been seen that some researchers have gained significant success in the field of drug detection for proper and potential medication. 

A researcher’s group has experimented using an AI-based model to find a cost-effective, useful, and simple method for this study. The study has found a useful impact of senolytic drugs that can help to slow the aging process and reduce age-related diseases in humans. It has found three promising types of this particular drug that can assist.

What are Senolytic Drugs?

Senolytic drug is used for medicines that eliminate senescent cells (also called zombie cells) from the body. Zombie cells are those cells that don’t replicate themselves due to problems like DNA damage. It is an advantage for human life that these cells don’t replicate themselves.

These cells should be removed since they may cause health problems. Senescent cells cause osteoarthritis, lung fibrosis, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. For this reason, senolytic medications and similar medicines are employed to eradicate diseased tissue.

What Have Researchers Done Using an Ai Model in Drug Detection?

Scientists Use AI to Discover Drugs That Kill 'Zombie Cells,' Fight Age-Related Diseases Vanessa Smer-Barreto has written an article highlighting the outcomes taken from the research at the University of Edinburgh. According to that article, researchers formulated an AI model for drug detection. They have inserted details about all known senolytic and non-senolytic drugs. The purpose of this study is to check whether their program works to differentiate between these drugs or not.

The AI-based program successfully worked and found the difference between these drug categories. It has predicted new medical evaluations as researchers can now get results based on AI instead of investing thousands of dollars in their experimentation.

According to Vanessa, “The detection of senolytics and their uses in different diseases will help researchers open new doors to finding cost-effective methods for curing them but it will take more than 20 years and billions of dollars for the accomplishment of such researches”.

Researchers are doing such experiments on mice in their labs to find their concerned results and found senolytic drugs much more effective for eliminating zombie cells. But it will take a lot more funds, advanced experimental setups, and threats to human life to do such experiments on them. That’s why researchers have adopted AI-based models for their experimentations.

Does It Mean That Ai Can Cure Humans from Diseases?

Scientists Use AI to Discover Drugs That Kill 'Zombie Cells,' Fight Age-Related Diseases It doesn’t mean AI can help humans get treated for cancer and other diseases like this. But it is a great step towards innovation in the medical field as researchers can now get their desired results without investing a lot of time and funds. In recent work, researchers have performed experimentation on 4340 molecules using an AI-based model by feeding it with concerned details. 

The AI program evaluated all those molecules and showed 21 senolytic drug types from the categories periplocin and oleandrin. Isn’t it much faster as compared to manual experimentation? Smer claimed that it would have taken more than 50,000 pounds and weeks or months to perform this experiment. It means that AI has helped researchers in drug discovery and made experiments easy, fast, and cost-effective. 

Researchers need advanced machinery setup and experimental instruments to do it manually in their labs. Additionally, they need to be proactive in taking precautions for the safety of the person on which the experiments will be undertaken.

Impacts of Ai on Other Medicine Fields

Decrypt has noted that researchers are collaborating with AI models to get results from their experiments. An AI-based program has been developed, named Ankh, by researchers for the detection of inter-protein communication.  Those researchers have published a paper explaining what they have designed and what their program has extracted regarding the results of their experimentations.

A well-known AI company named Stability AI has revealed that their team is working on a technology based on an AI algorithm to study the behavior of proteins to understand them properly. It shows how the world is moving towards this ever-changing technology for medical experimentation. 


As we conclude, AI-based programs are not only used for drug detection. But researchers are using it for other purposes in the medical field. This recent development in detecting senolytic drugs using it has opened new doors for researchers.  It is now used on lung tissues in labs by scientists at different universities. In the coming years, such programs may be involved in full-body experimentations. 

My Pet Hooligan Could Rival Fortnite With Its Vibrant Battle Royale Combat

My Pet Hooligan

My Pet Hooligan Battle Royale games have captivated the minds and hearts of millions of players worldwide in the constantly changing gaming industry. These dramatic, “last man standing” encounters have gained popularity, and a new challenger is now on the horizon. A thrilling and colorful game called My Pet Hooligan can compete with Fortnite in terms of its gripping Battle Royale action. My Pet Hooligan is poised to revolutionize the gaming industry with its distinctive gameplay concepts, gorgeous aesthetics, and passionate community.

What is My Pet Hooligan?

My Pet Hooligan

My Pet Hooligan is a multiplayer online game developed by AMGI Studios. It combines the elements of Battle Royale gameplay with a whimsical twist. In this game, players take on the role of adorable yet mischievous creatures called “Hooligans.” These Hooligans possess unique abilities and come in a variety of colorful and imaginative designs. Each Hooligan has its strengths and weaknesses, adding depth and strategy to the gameplay.

The Concept of Battle Royale Games

Before delving deeper into My Pet Hooligan, let’s briefly explore the concept of Battle Royale games. These games typically involve a large number of players dropped onto a sprawling map, where they must scavenge for weapons and resources while eliminating other players. The last player or team standing emerges victorious. This high-stakes gameplay creates intense moments of competition and excitement, making Battle Royale games highly addictive.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk

Exploring My Pet Hooligan’s Gameplay Mechanics

My Pet Hooligan's

Unique Characters and Abilities

One of the key aspects that set My Pet Hooligan apart from other Battle Royale games is its focus on unique characters and their abilities. Each Hooligan possesses distinct powers, allowing players to adopt different playstyles and strategies. Whether it’s summoning elemental forces, teleporting, or creating temporary shields, the wide range of abilities adds depth and excitement to the gameplay.

Dynamic Map Design

My Pet Hooligan offers a variety of meticulously designed maps that are both visually stunning and strategically diverse. These maps feature dynamic elements such as destructible environments, hidden passages, and interactive objects, providing players with endless tactical possibilities. Exploring the maps and uncovering their secrets adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay.

Engaging Combat Mechanics

Combat in My Pet Hooligan is fast-paced and exhilarating. The game combines precise shooting mechanics with the unique abilities of the Hooligans, resulting in dynamic and strategic battles. Players must make split-second decisions, utilizing their Hooligan’s powers while effectively managing their resources. The skill-based combat ensures that victory goes to those who display both precision and cunning.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk

The Vibrant World of My Pet Hooligan

My Pet Hooligan

Stunning Visuals and Art Style

My Pet Hooligan boasts a visually stunning world filled with vibrant colors and imaginative character designs. The game’s art style captures the essence of whimsy and charm, making it visually appealing to players of all ages. From lush forests to sprawling cityscapes, each environment is a feast for the eyes, immersing players in a world brimming with life and personality.

Immersive Audio Experience

To complement its stunning visuals, My Pet Hooligan offers an immersive audio experience. The game’s sound design creates a sense of depth and realism, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. From the rustling of leaves to the thunderous explosions, every sound adds to the adrenaline-pumping nature of the game, keeping players fully engaged in the action.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk

Competitive Scene and eSports Potential

My Pet Hooligan

Tournaments and Prizes

As My Pet Hooligan gains popularity, it has quickly established a competitive scene with regular tournaments and valuable prizes. The developers actively support eSports events, encouraging players to showcase their skills and compete at the highest level. These tournaments attract talented players worldwide, fostering a vibrant and passionate community.

Professional Players and Teams

The rise of My Pet Hooligan as a competitive game has also given birth to professional players and teams. These skilled individuals dedicate countless hours honing their abilities, strategizing, and collaborating with teammates to achieve victory. The emergence of professional players and teams brings a new level of excitement and recognition to the game, solidifying its position in the eSports landscape.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk

Community and Social Interaction

My Pet Hooligan

Teamwork and Collaboration

My Pet Hooligan promotes teamwork and collaboration, encouraging players to form alliances and work together to survive and succeed. The game’s mechanics and objectives foster a sense of camaraderie among players, leading to memorable cooperative experiences. Whether it’s reviving fallen teammates, sharing resources, or coordinating attacks, the social interaction within the game strengthens the bonds between players.

Player Customization and Personalization

To enhance the sense of individuality and self-expression, My Pet Hooligan offers extensive player customization options. Players can personalize their Hooligans with various skins, outfits, and accessories, allowing them to stand out on the battlefield. This customization not only adds a layer of personalization but also provides opportunities for players to showcase their creativity and unique style.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk

My Pet Hooligan

It’s challenging to make good battle royale games—and shooters in general. How may originality be added without offending players? What combination of skill and surprise results in the most compelling game loop?

The market for multiplayer shooters is crowded, and high-profile AAA games with high budgets like Valorant, Call of Duty, Fortnite, and Apex Legends continue to rule the Twitch rankings. How can a novice ever hope to succeed?

Although there are several NFT and crypto-enabled games in development, many of them lack the refinement, excitement, and competitiveness necessary to stand out. Based on my experience playing the current alpha test, My Pet Hooligan (MPH) is one of the few games that has a chance against heavy hitters.

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Robots versus rabbits

It looks like AMGI Studios is on its way to making a significant impact with its first shooter in My Pet Hooligan, despite having a small crew. The game offers an interesting narrative that isn’t overly complicated: What if a race of sassy, bipedal bunnies were put under the thumb of a malevolent corporate takeover overlord named Metazuckbot? You read that right.

An early access version of the My Pet Hooligan universe has an uprising in Holland that I played on the Epic Games Store. Guns and ammunition are scattered across a vividly colorful, but dismal, cityscape as a building spews biohazardous green slime. The world is full of hilarious jokes and Easter eggs thanks to the abundance of street art and bunny sculptures.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk

Fast-paced fun

My Pet Hooligan

While some games may look visually stunning in marketing screenshots but disappoint in actual gameplay, My Pet Hooligan is the opposite. Even in its early stages, the game exudes AAA quality with its smooth character movement, animations, and engaging gunplay.

The success of popular battle royale games like Fortnite and Apex Legends lies in part in their innovative approach to movement, and My Pet Hooligan follows suit. In the early access version I played, I hunted down both real players and pesky Zuckbots in a trash-filled park.

My Pet Hooligan combines both Player vs. Environment (PVE) and Player vs. Player (PVP) gameplay. Dispatching Zuckbots proved to be relatively easy, maybe a little too easy at times, though it can become a challenge when other players are present. There were instances when Zackbots inadvertently exposed my location when I was trying to reload or engaged in a 1v1 battle with another player.

As someone who has spent countless hours on games like Apex Legends and Overwatch, I thoroughly enjoyed the gunplay in My Pet Hooligan. I quickly found my favorite loadout, which included a plunger sniper rifle, a fully automatic machine gun, and a water pistol. Armed with these weapons, I had a lot of fun taking down rival hooligan bunnies across the expansive map.

There was plenty of high ground available, and with the bunnies’ ability to double jump and somersault, with multiple jump pads, it was easy to gain an advantage. In fact, I managed to hit a hilarious one-shot with the plunger rifle.

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Making Moves

My Pet Hooligan 2

My Pet Hooligan is a fast-paced game where the speed of the skateboard and rabbit enhance the animation. Players accustomed to slow-paced titles like Valorant may need some adjustment, but fans of fast-paced shooters will feel right at home.

Learning the game is relatively straightforward, but can be difficult if your aim and movement skills are lacking. On the upside, the built-in head hitboxes are quite large, making it easier to take headshots than in other games.

Chains, brass knuckles, samurai swords, flamethrowers, and an array of guns are just some of the weapons available in My Pet Hooligan, catering to a variety of play styles. It will be interesting to see which melee weapons become “meta” in the game’s competitive scene once the game is fully released. During my playtesting, I enjoyed experimenting with different melee weapons and observing their unique animations and effects.

Another aspect that impressed me about My Pet Hooligan was the level of interactivity in the game environment. Most objects on the map were destructible, and almost everything was climbable. It was illegal to take cover behind trucks for too long as they could explode and damage nearby players. Additionally, if you had a gun that used paintball bullets, you could turn the city into your canvas.

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Crypto and NFTs

While I personally did not engage in buying cryptocurrency or NFTs to play My Pet Hooligan, AMGI Studios has shown a cryptocurrency-friendly approach. Although not mandatory at launch, NFTs and cryptocurrency play an important role in AMGI’s vision for the game.

My Pet Hooligan is a free-to-play game that does not require crypto or NFTs, but players have the option to purchase a special Ethereum NFT that uses a rabbit character as their avatar.

AMGI Studios also introduced synthetic carrots, known as S-KARROTS, which can potentially be exchanged for their ERC-20 token KARROTS. These S-KARROTS can be redeemed for Hooligan NFTs, including the newly available ZuckBot NFTs, which grant holders access to additional game content.

Additionally, the game features ZuckBoxes, a variation of loot boxes, that can be “burned” to reveal virtual treasure. Hooligan NFT owners can also get 3D files of their characters in artwork or with facial recognition software, allowing them to embody their Hooligan online and out of the game.

My Pet Hooligan (MPH) is an NFT collection. My Pet Hooligan (MPH) price floor today is $1,251.21, with a 24-hour trading volume of 2.03 ETH. To date, a total of 8,888 NFTs have been created, held by 3,878 unique owners, and the total market cap is $11,120,772.

Web3 finds its heroes in the most unlikely of roles.

A Genesis NFT collection of 8888 Pet Hooligans – unique 3D characters designed to defend the Web3 from the corporate overlord, Metazuckbot. Hooligans are built on the Ethereum blockchain with a wide variety of features and provide functionality, unlike any other NFT collection.

Each Hooligan provides access to AMGI Studios’ suite of animation products, plus your unique playable 3D avatar in our P2E metaverse, The Rabbit Hole – Alpha Release!

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My Pet Hooligan NFT Price and Statistics

  • 7-Day Volume — 163.63 ETH
  • Total Volume — 13,522.27 ETH
  • 7-Day Avg Price — 1.24 ETH
  • Owners — 4948
  • Total My Pet Hooligan — 8,888
  • Floor Price — 1.2 ETH

Little Rabbits, Big Possibilities

Overall, My Pet Hooligan left a strong impression on me. While it may not revolutionize the battle royale genre, it is one of the best shooters I’ve played in recent times.

With limited marketing resources and a growing community, many multiplayer games struggle to gather enough players for a lobby. However, My Pet Hooligan stands as one of the few titles that have the potential to make a significant impact on the gaming industry, provided AMGI Studios continues to expand and enrich its animated universe.

Future Updates and Expansion

The developers of My Pet Hooligan are committed to providing a continuously evolving experience for their players. They regularly release updates, introducing new maps, game modes, and features to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Additionally, seasonal events and challenges add further variety and reward players for their dedication. The game’s ever-expanding content ensures that there is always something new to discover and enjoy.


In conclusion, My Pet Hooligan is poised to become a formidable contender in the world of Battle Royale games. With its unique gameplay mechanics, stunning visuals, and dedicated community, it offers an immersive and thrilling gaming experience. Whether you’re a fan of the genre or new to Battle Royale games, My Pet Hooligan promises hours of exciting gameplay and endless possibilities. Join the vibrant community, unleash your inner Hooligan, and embark on unforgettable adventures.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk


Can I play My Pet Hooligan on different platforms?

Yes, My Pet Hooligan is available on multiple platforms, including PC, consoles, and mobile devices.

Is My Pet Hooligan suitable for all age groups?

Yes, My Pet Hooligan offers gameplay that caters to players of 12 ages, with a whimsical and family-friendly theme.

Are there in-game purchases in My Pet Hooligan?

Yes, My Pet Hooligan offers optional in-game purchases for cosmetic items, but they do not impact gameplay.

Are there plans for cross-platform play in My Pet Hooligan?

The developers are actively exploring the possibility of implementing cross-platform play to enhance the gaming experience for all players.

Google Play’s policy Update Integrates Blockchain and NFTs

Google Play's policy update

Voraussichtliche Lesedauer: 11 minutes

Unleashing a seismic shift in the app ecosystem, Google Play’s policy update welcomes blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into apps and games. This groundbreaking move opens up untapped frontiers, as developers and users alike prepare to explore the realm of digital assets. But what exactly does this policy revision mean for the world of apps and games? And how might this disruptive force of blockchain and NFTs reshape our app experiences? This article delves deep into these intriguing questions, illuminating the path that lies ahead.

Breaking Down the Blockchain Barrier: Google Play’s policy update

Google Play’s policy Update paves the way for app and game developers to incorporate blockchain technology and NFTs in their Games and apps. These innovative technologies could potentially transform how apps and game’s function, adding a whole new dimension to user experiences. However, this revolutionary integration comes with its own set of challenges and implications.

Developers aiming to include blockchain-based content or NFTs in their apps need to adhere strictly to Google’s guidelines. They are required to maintain transparency, declaring any blockchain-based elements in the Play Console. This approach demands a balance between innovation and user safety, a cornerstone of Google’s policy.

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For instance, Google Play’s existing Real-Money Gambling, Games, and Contests policy and application process will apply to blockchain-based content, like gambling apps that feature NFTs. This means developers cannot glamorize potential earnings from trading or playing activities. Apps that do not meet gambling eligibility requirements cannot offer purchases where the value of the NFT users receive is unclear at the time of purchase. Such strategies aim to protect users from potential scams while ensuring responsible usage of blockchain technology.

Our discussion on the impact of tokenized digital assets on games may pique your interest in play-to-earn games. Dive deeper into the world of P2E games, their potential, and the future they’re shaping for the gaming industry in our specialized article.

Blockchain and NFTs: Reshaping the App Ecosystem

Blockchain technology and NFTs bring enormous potential to the app ecosystem, from redefining the way transactions take place to the very essence of ownership in digital spaces. NFTs, in particular, are set to revolutionize in-app experiences, giving users the power to own, buy, sell, and earn unique digital assets. This could fundamentally change the gaming landscape, enabling user-owned content and unique in-game rewards. But what does this mean for developers? This shift implies a whole new level of creativity and innovation in designing app experiences, enabling a closer relationship between developers and users through the tokenized digital assets.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk

Google’s new policy underscores that NFTs bought by users should be consumed or used in the game to enhance a user’s experience or aid users in advancing the game. However, this new direction isn’t without its hurdles. Developers need to walk a fine line between integrating these technologies and ensuring that they don’t run afoul of the new guidelines and safety measures. This presents a novel challenge and one that could define the future of the app and gaming industry. But what does this mean for developers? This shift implies a whole new level of creativity and innovation in designing app experiences, enabling a closer relationship between developers and users through the tokenized digital assets.

While we’ve touched on the integration of blockchain into gaming, you might be curious about how cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin influence the gaming landscape. Explore the fascinating world of Bitcoin board games in our insightful piece.

Addressing the Growing Interest in NFTs

Joseph Mills, the group product manager for Google Play, shared in a statement that the move is a response to the burgeoning interest in NFTs and other tokenized digital assets. The shift started earlier this year when Google indicated the potential integration of these technologies into its platform. It is now working with Web3 game makers, such as Mythical Games, to make this a reality.

In the past, app stores like Apple, Google, and Steam prohibited developers from selling games featuring NFTs unless they had a substantial Web2 component. However, the recent Google Play’s policy update means blockchain games will now be accessible to a broader audience.

The revised policy also indicates that Google Play can still collect their 30% fee on transactions, as the Web2 and Web3 requirements are met. This shift will empower blockchain game companies that previously faced significant distribution challenges on the open web.

Considering the emphasis on NFTs in the recent Google Play update, you may want to learn more about NFT trading cards. Discover the top 10 NFT trading cards and their unique features in our dedicated article.

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Fostering Transparency: A Fundamental Requirement

As part of the new policy, developers must clearly declare if an app or game sells or enables users to earn tokenized digital assets. Any promotion or glamorization of potential earnings from playing or trading activities is strictly prohibited. This mandate underscores Google’s commitment to maintaining user trust and ensuring responsible usage of blockchain technology.

The updated policy has influenced the marketing strategies of Web3 game companies. Following the crash in NFT prices and the onset of the “crypto winter,” the focus is now more on enjoyable gameplay, player ownership, and potential voting rights, rather than the speculative aspect of earning significant sums.

As per the new guidelines, tokenized assets are meant to enhance and enrich in-game experiences. However, Google Play emphasizes that maintaining user trust is paramount. To achieve this, the platform has set guidelines in line with Google Play’s Real-Money Gambling, Games, and Contests policy. According to these guidelines, apps that do not meet gambling eligibility requirements cannot accept money for a chance to win assets of unknown real-world monetary value, including NFTs.

The growth of free-to-play play-to-earn games (F2P P2E Games) is another exciting development in this arena. Find out more about these accessible and innovative gaming experiences in our thorough article.

Engaging with Developers: A Collaborative Effort

Google Play developed the new policy in close consultation with app and game developers. The platform aims to create a level playing field that fosters user trust and responsible usage of blockchain technology.

John Linden, CEO of Mythical Games, lauded the updated policy, stating, “We really appreciate Google’s partnership in this collaborative effort to bring about innovation in this space and move these new economies forward. We think these new policies are steps forward for both players and developers alike and will positively impact the adoption of new technology while also protecting consumers.”

Reddit also commended the policy change. Matt Williamson, senior engineering manager at Reddit, stated, “By setting clear guidelines, we can ensure that our users make informed decisions while enjoying immersive experiences.”

Google Play plans to fully roll out the policy to all developers later this year. It anticipates users will start seeing these in-app and game experiences from later this summer. The ownership of NFTs will unlock content in-app, regardless of whether a user bought the NFT through a Google Play app, or they already owned it.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk

Looking Ahead: What Does the Future Hold?

As Google Play charts its path towards this ground-breaking integration of blockchain and NFTs, the ramifications for the app ecosystem are enormous. Developers stand at the threshold of a new era, one that promises creativity and innovation on an unprecedented scale. However, they also face the challenges of navigating a complex set of guidelines and balancing user safety with progress.

For users, the advent of blockchain and NFTs promises more engaging and immersive experiences. Yet, they too must tread carefully, aware of the potential risks and scams associated with these novel technologies. All in all, as we stand on the cusp of this exciting revolution, the opportunities and challenges ahead promise a vibrant and dynamic future for the app and gaming industry.

Striking a Balance

Google Play’s policy update moves to embrace blockchain technology and NFTs signifies a significant shift in the app and gaming industry. As we navigate this new landscape, it’s essential to keep abreast of these developments and understand their implications. Google Play’s policy update marks a positive shift for developers aiming to create engaging and immersive experiences through blockchain technology. As technology continues to evolve, it is vital for platforms like Google Play to promote innovation while maintaining user trust and safety.

These changes indicate the onset of a new era in the app ecosystem, emphasizing the vital balance between progress and user safety. As we move forward, the integration of blockchain technology and NFTs promises a vibrant and dynamic future for the app and gaming industry. As the integration of these technologies continues to unfold, one thing is clear: we are witnessing the dawn of a new era in the app ecosystem.

Join us as we explore this exciting journey and stay tuned for more updates on Google Play’s integration of blockchain and NFTs in apps and games. If you’re intrigued by the intersection of blockchain technology and gaming mentioned in this article, you might be interested in our detailed analysis and predictions about Gala Games. Find out why you should consider buying Gala Games in our comprehensive guide.

77% of retail CFD accounts lose money. Cryptoassets are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product without EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk

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